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The Tower of David Museum

Shalem Sites, Ltd. is a subsidiary of the Jerusalem Fund. The fund focuses on social and cultural initiatives directed toward the special needs of the civilian sector of Jerusalem. The Tower of David Museum Project was executed as part of the effort to preserve and restore Jerusalem’s historic [heritage].
The Tower of David is an historic fortress built in the Middle Ages with architectural features that were added during the later periods. Before this project, no development or renovations had been performed on the fortress since the British Mandate.
The project included preparation of the existing fortress spaces into a museum for permanent displays and changing exhibitions. In this framework, modern infrastructure and electromechanical systems were installed, site development works and the preparation of passages and bridges in the interior courtyard were executed, and an archaeological dig was performed outside and around the site [that included] excavation, exposure and restoration of archaeological elements at the open site and outside of it.
Work on the project was accompanied by the Antiquities Authority, which performed strict on-site archaeological supervision. This work also included preservation and rehabilitation of existing elements under the on-site and strict supervision of a preservations consultant.
Means of access and movement were very difficult due to the location of the fortress in an old and densely populated area.