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Construction Management

The Zionist Archives – Renovation of the Building

Construction Management

The Zionist Archives – New Building

Construction Management

The Jewish Pavilion at Auschwitz

Construction Management

Justice Ministry – 20 King David Street, Jerusalem

Construction Management

Agnon House – Building Renovation and Construction of a Permanent Exhibition

Construction Management

Independence Hall

Construction Management

Beit ha-Yedidut

Construction Management

Beit Avi Hai

Construction Management

Tisch Family Zoological Gardens

no image added yet.

Wastewater collection and treatment systems in the eastern basins (Og, Kardon and Dragot)

Construction Management

Kidron Mount of Olives Sewage Line and Drainage Carrier

Construction Management

Shamgar-Golda Road

Construction Management

Government Printing House

Construction Management

The Tower of David Museum

Construction Management

Pagoda House

Construction Management

Ilse Katz Institute for Meso- and Nanoscale Science and Technology

Construction Management

Rabin Medical Center – Western Complex

Construction Management

Ammunition Hill National Memorial Site

Construction Management

Mount Scopus Sports Center

Construction Management

Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies

Construction Management

Yad Vashem Visitors’ Center