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Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Zedekiah’s Cave

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Ministry of Justice

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

The Zionist Archives – Renovation of the Building

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

The Zionist Archives – New Building

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

The New Cardiovascular Tower: A Protected Building at Tel Hashomer

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Land and Sea Sciences Administration (Geological Survey of Israel)

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

HITECH Technology Entrepreneurship Center

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

The Jewish Pavilion at Auschwitz

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Justice Ministry – 20 King David Street, Jerusalem

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Beit Schatz

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Beit Micha

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Independence Hall

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Beit ha-Yedidut

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Yad Vashem Master Plan 2001

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Givat Shaul C Industrial Zone

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Keshet School

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Beit Avi Hai

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Tisch Family Zoological Gardens

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Givat Communa

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Nave Museum

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

The Logistical Center of the Knesset’s Central Elections Committee

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Foreign Ministry Compound – Jerusalem

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Main Sewage Line – West Jerusalem

no image added yet.

Wastewater collection and treatment systems in the eastern basins (Og, Kardon and Dragot)

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Kidron Mount of Olives Sewage Line and Drainage Carrier

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Shamgar-Golda Road

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Highway 90 in the segment from [Km] 339 through [Km] 343

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Manachat Technological Park

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Southwest Jerusalem Road Network

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Government Printing House

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Pagoda House

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Yad Vashem – Archive and Library

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

The Jerusalem Municipality Complex

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Moshav Nes Harim Expansion

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Rabin Youth Hostel – Neve Granot, Jerusalem

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Alon High-Tech Building

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Malam Systems Building

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Ophir Optronics

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Coptic Monastery Clinic

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Rabin Medical Center – Western Complex

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Makor Baruch Clinic

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Ammunition Hill National Memorial Site

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Begin Heritage Center

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Mount Scopus Sports Center

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

The Rubin Academy of Music and Dance

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Yad Vashem Visitors’ Center

Permitting, Statutory and Regulatory Services

Yad Vashem Museum Complex