Land and Sea Sciences Administration (Geological Survey of Israel)

Land and Sea Sciences Administration (Geological Survey of Israel)

HITECH Technology Entrepreneurship Center

HITECH Technology Entrepreneurship Center

Ben Gurion University – Entry and Security Check System – Gate of Knowledge

Ben Gurion University – Entry and Security Check System – Gate of Knowledge

Yad Vashem Master Plan 2001

Yad Vashem Master Plan 2001

Keshet School

Keshet School

Beit Halochem – Soldiers’ House

Beit Halochem – Soldiers’ House

The Western Basins (Sorek and Rephaim) – Sewage Collection and Treatment System

The Western Basins (Sorek and Rephaim) – Sewage Collection and Treatment System

Tisch Family Zoological Gardens

Tisch Family Zoological Gardens

Givat Communa

Givat Communa

Nave Museum

Nave Museum

Foreign Ministry Compound – Jerusalem

Foreign Ministry Compound – Jerusalem

Main Sewage Line – West Jerusalem

Main Sewage Line – West Jerusalem

Wastewater collection and treatment systems in the eastern basins (Og, Kardon and Dragot)

Kidron Mount of Olives Sewage Line and Drainage Carrier

Kidron Mount of Olives Sewage Line and Drainage Carrier

Shamgar-Golda Road

Shamgar-Golda Road

Highway 90 in the segment from [Km] 339 through [Km] 343

Highway 90 in the segment from [Km] 339 through [Km] 343

Manachat Technological Park

Manachat Technological Park

Southwest Jerusalem Road Network

Southwest Jerusalem Road Network

The Tower of David Museum

The Tower of David Museum

Magna Hall – Mexico Independence Hall

Yad Vashem – Archive and Library

Yad Vashem – Archive and Library

The Jerusalem Municipality Complex

The Jerusalem Municipality Complex

Moshav Nes Harim Expansion

Moshav Nes Harim Expansion

Mount Scopus Sports Center

Mount Scopus Sports Center