Leading up to the year 2000, the need became increasingly apparent for a master plan that would determine the development of the site for the following decades that would enable it to absorb the millions of visitors who are expected to visit each year from Israel and abroad
The work of preparing the master plan was given to the late Architect David Resnick, an Israel Prize Laureate.
The master plan included inter alia:
• Development of roadways and paths at the site
• Development of infrastructure
• Construction of a school for Holocaust studies
• Construction of an archive and library
• Construction of an international institute for the study of the Holocaust
• Formalized layout of the visitors entrance, parking and lobby
• Construction of a new museum complex and its integration into the visitors route
• In addition, many existing buildings such as the administrative building were renovated and adapted.
This was a particularly complex project from the logistical standpoint executed at a sensitive and important site and was entirely implemented without having to discontinue visitor traffic for even one day.